The Australian Government is currently conducting a consultation to develop a National Disability Strategy. The aim of the National Disability Strategies is to "improve support & remove barriers for people with disabilities, their families and carers". The development of this strategy is the result of the Gvernment's election promise and their ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability. The new National Disability Strategy will guide the governments activities and policy initatives in this important area.
This is your opportunity to have your say.
Three questions that need your responses ASAP
1. What barriers have you experienced that impact the most on the quality of your childs and your families life? (schooling, intervention, respite care etc)
2. what specifiic actions could be taken to overcome these barriers?
3.What examples of positive experiences do you have that have made a difference to your child or families life?
Any responses welcome from dot points to more formal responses. You may know of someone who would like to respond to this - please pass on as quickly as possible -this is very short notice. Either send to me, pass on to someone you know is following this up through another organisation. I will be passing on any information I receive to Deaf Children Victoria who intend to put in a submission.
The only way to get the government to change is for us to be heard. The more responses the better. Deaf Children Australia will include all stories from all parents. Time is short - dont miss out on having your say - please.