Ok did anyone get to see "The Force"?
Neighbourhood watch ya gotta love them
I just loved his reaction so typical of any child that age
For those who missed it here's what happened.
The police get a call from neighbourhood watch re: a man in the front yard of a house dressed in army gear with a gun. The police respond not knowing what to expect, what they find is a 13yr boy with ds in his nan's front yard. When they approach him he proudly shows them his plastic knife, they ask if he has a gun and he shows them a bag in the back of his mum's car with a plastic machine gun complete with lights in it. He had no idea he had done anything wrong and was heaps happy to see the police. When the officer spoke to him and told him to maybe play in the back yard next time that he might scare someone, who then might ring the police he looked at them, smiled and said "oh bugger"
. I loved it the police were so good they let him sit in the police car and turn on the lights etc. They handled it really well with the officer even commenting it was probably something that he would of done when he was that age.