I've been looking at a range of iPhone/iPod Touch applications designed for kids and families of kids with disabilities. The list below is not exhaustive and these aren't reviews as I haven't used them all. Really I just wanted to start creating a list that can be useful and added to over time. If you've got comments about these apps or can suggest others that are useful please let me know.
Obviously this post is only relevant if you have an iPhone/iPod Touch or are thinking about buying an iPad when they come out in a couple of months.
iPrompts - $59.99
Developer -
http://www.handholdadaptive.com/iTunes -
http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=313144705&mt=8#Video -
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZKFuKVYGhc&feature=player_embeddediPrompts®, a new app for the iPhone and iPod Touch, is used by caregivers of those with language and behavioral challenges (and even typical kids!). The app includes several easy-to-use, visual prompting tools (no audio prompts or voice output) to help individuals transition from one activity to the next, understand upcoming events, make choices, and focus on the task at hand.
iConverse - $12.99
Developer -
http://www.converseapp.com/iTunes -
http://itunes.apple.com/au/app/iconverse-assisted-communication/id304852637?mt=8iConverse is an educational tool designed for young children and individuals with communicative disabilities, and also toddler-aged children who have yet to master language. iConverse is an Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC) application for the iPhone and iPod Touch that replaces bulky and expensive communication devices used in the past. iConverse gives users the ability to carry an AAC device in their pocket creating a means of communication that is appropriate, effective and discreet.
iCommunicate - $5.99
Developer -
http://www.grembe.moonfruit.com/#/icommunicate/4534568182iTunes -
http://itunes.apple.com/au/app/icommunicate/id320986580?mt=8iCommunicate is a versatile app that will help typically developing children, as well as children with developmental delays and autism. Early Intervention specialists, teachers, and parents will love this app!!! We provide a way to make customized storyboards and visual schedules for your child.
Proloquo2Go - $239.00
Developer -
http://www.proloquo2go.com/About/article/what-is-proloquo2goiTunes -
http://itunes.apple.com/au/app/proloquo2go/id308368164?mt=8Video -
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BD_1sdNEwfg&feature=relatedProloquo2Go™ is a new product from AssistiveWare that provides a full-featured communication solution for people who have difficulty speaking. It brings natural sounding text-to-speech voices, up-to-date symbols, powerful automatic conjugations, a default vocabulary of over 7000 items, full expandability and extreme ease of use to the iPhone and iPod touch.
Expressionist - $36.99
Developer -
http://www.adastrasoft.com/Expressionist.htmliTunes -
http://itunes.apple.com/au/app/expressionist/id318022654?mt=8Video -
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TA8feG0xRAExpressionist is designed to help users to express, and to help users model expressions. The facial and gesture of the cartoon character is carefully designed such that any visual learner (such as those in the autistic spectrum) would have no issue understanding or modelling it.
Look2Learn - AAC - $24.99
Developer -
http://www.look2learn.com/iTunes -
http://itunes.apple.com/au/app/look2learn-aac/id319600029?mt=8Look2Learn (L2L), a revolutionary AAC software application for the iPod Touch and iPhone, allows individuals to work at their communicative level using photographs to express wants and needs. The easy to use system integrates preloaded vocal output so that individuals can use their “voice”. In addition, users are able to record their own personalized audio and pair it with photos!
Locabulary Lite - Free
Developer -
http://locabulary.com/iTunes -
http://itunes.apple.com/au/app/locabulary-lite/id322448547?mt=8Locabulary is location based vocabulary. Locabulary is an iPhone app developed for communication, information, and fun. Words are made available based on your GPS location. You can create a fast sentence using Locabulary's noun-verb-object structuring. With Locabulary, you can easily speak the right words in the right place.
Halo Talk - $36.99
Developer -
http://www.adastrasoft.com/HaloTalk.htmliTunes -
http://itunes.apple.com/au/app/halotalk/id316192383?mt=8HaloTalk is a simple yet powerful augmentative learning software. The application comes with over 50 pairs of responses commonly used daily. Each response/adjective is natural voice enabled, with visual cue to help the user to pick an item.
StepStones - $36.99
Developer -
http://www.adastrasoft.com/StepStones.htmliTunes -
http://itunes.apple.com/au/app/stepstones/id312055405?mt=8Video -
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyBnt9wygyYStepStones is an natural voice enabled augmentative learning tool for any one who needs picture schedule (activity schedule, visual schedule) to help learning, understanding and organizing their daily activities.
iPACS - $12.99
Developer -
http://www.adastrasoft.com/iPACS.htmliTunes -
http://itunes.apple.com/au/app/ipacs/id322441370?mt=8iPACS is a flexible content management tool using a book metaphor. It has some similarity to PECS, but it is much more flexible than that. iPACS allow you to customize close to 600 voice-enabled pictures for teaching, learning, and communication for special need individuals.
Behaviour Tracker Pro - $36.99
Developer -
http://www.behaviortrackerpro.com/products/btp/BTP-for-iPhone.aspxiTunes -
http://itunes.apple.com/au/app/behaviortrackerpro/id319708933?mt=8Behavior Tracker Pro is a behavior data collection application for PDAs that allows BCBAs, behavioral therapists, aides, teachers or parents to track behaviors and graph them. Behavior Tracker Pro improves your child's ABA therapy by electronically capturing behavioral data and translating into an easy to understand graphical format.
*This was originally posted at